Passages to Port Vila Vanuatu

Getting to Port Vila Vanuatu aboard a sailing or motor vessel is an enjoyable experience so long as you pick the correct weather window and the vessel is seaworthy.
For information on approaches to Port Vila Click Here.
For information about customs clearance Click Here.
For information on entering the inner harbour (where Yachting World is Located) Click Here.
Picking the weather is easier than ever these days with long range weather forecasts and satellite imagery.
Our weather analysis centre on this website will help you find the best weather window for your voyage.
Don't leave until the Weather Window is right
- Get ready to go well in advance of the expiration of visas or customs requirements and then be prepared to wait (as in ready to go today). Getting ready to go also means going to the place you wish to leave from (see below for tips on this)
- When you are ready and in position, start watching the weather by going to two or more of the long range forecast sites. There are 4 main models available, NOAA and the US Navy in America, IGES in Canada, and the European Model (UK Online Sailing Weather). Each of these give 7 day forecasts.
- Download the full 7 day forecast for winds and precipitation and compare the different sites, day by day for the full 7 days. If there are significant differences between the models, the weather is uncertain - don't go.
- This analysis will give you a good idea if the weather is predictable or not and which site is doing the best job of getting it right.
- Watch for a 7 day prediction that offers winds from a favorable direction (you can get a long way in 7 days with the right winds). One site will be doing better than the others, but the other sites should be in close agreement. Again, if they are significantly different in where they say the winds will be coming from don't go. When you see the right wind pattern for your trip and your comparison sites agree - go immediately.
24 Hours Advance Notice for Customs!
New Customs clearance regulations require yachts to send an email notice of arrival at least 24 hours before entering Vanuatu territorial waters. Yachts are required to hoist the quarantine flag within 200 nautical miles of Vanuatu islands. Requirements for Customs